Monday, January 14, 2013

State of the Blog

20 blog entries in, I have received some great feedback from my readers. In general, there is demand for 1.) more content and 2.) more opinion, evaluation, and simply put, "brand scoring"

As a writer that is passionate about the subject on which I write, it is important to me to produce content that is valuable to my readers. As a result, I have decided to make a couple slight changes to the format of the blog.

Firstly, I will work hard to create more content and cover more topics. In order to do so, the entries will be shorter and will include less informational reporting. Instead, they will include a brief synopsis of the campaign, deal, or issue and more personal opinion.

I welcome your feedback to all posts, whether it be in support or sharp disagreement with my take. If you prefer that your comments remain private, please feel free to email me at to continue the discussion. As always, I also welcome guest posts, so please email me if there is any interest in that regard.

Thank you!


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