Friday, December 7, 2012

Euro 2020

Soccer fans are not the only ones smiling in response to UEFA’s latest news.

Just weeks after it was revealed that the Euro Cup competition may be expanded from 16 to 24 in future years, it was announced that the 2020 tournament may be staged in 12 cities across Europe.

For the sport’s passionate followers, this is hugely exciting news. Not only will the competition include more countries, and therefore more followers, but it will be played in some of soccer’s most iconic stadiums, including London’s Wembley and Madrid’s Bernabeu. With the simplicity and affordability of transportation throughout Europe, this is undoubtedly a feasible endeavor.

As soccer’s popularity continues to skyrocket, UEFA has seen both of their prized possessions --- the Champions League and Euro Cup --- have taken on increased significance. Both competitions have seen increased attendance and higher television viewership --- thanks at least in part to those watching throughout the United States. With almost 1.5 million attendees, Euro 2012 set the record for the highest aggregate attendance in the competition’s history.

By expanding the tournament by 8 teams, UEFA is bringing in new audiences and inserting additional games into the schedule. In doing so, they are making the property more appealing to their global corporate partners, which already include A-listers Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Adidas, and SHARP.

On top of their global partners, UEFA also brings in national sponsors for each individual event. For Euro 2012, this consisted of three brands in each Poland and Ukraine. By playing the 2020 tournament throughout Europe, UEFA creates new opportunities for local/national partner relationships. Additionally, with the competition being staged at Europe’s most recognizable stadiums in the continent’s largest urban centers, there is undoubtedly the potential for brands to sponsor individual matches, or at the very least design activations around specific games.

While UEFA understands that neither Euro Cup nor Champions League will ever rival the FIFA World Cup, they are doing everything in their power to generate exposure for their premier properties.  In doing so, they are transforming a 16-team tournament played in a single (or at most two) countries into a 24-team competition across Europe, where every single match is an international event in its own.

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